North and LaSalle developer logo

Sign a letter of support.

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to share my support of the Old Town Canvas development proposal to revitalize and reimagine parts of the North and LaSalle corridor.

Old Town is a unique community known for its charm, rich architectural history and traditions. The local neighborhood coalition of owners, who all elected to work cooperatively with each other, understand this and have presented a proposal that will add to this history while also helping to address many of the community’s most pressing needs. These needs include initiatives aimed at improving car traffic while protecting pedestrians and encouraging use of public transit; reducing crime and increasing safety; increased economic development in the neighborhood by investing in vacant surface parking lots; filling retail vacancies; supporting local small businesses; and creating socially and economically inclusive housing opportunities accessible at both market and affordable rates for all Chicagoans.

This is truly an unprecedented opportunity to address Chicago’s urgent need for housing while growing our tax base to fund critical City services and address our budget and pension obligations. Simply, we cannot afford to reject this once in a generation opportunity. 

Please support this proposal for the good of Old Town and Chicago as a whole. 

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You can also email us directly with questions or additional feedback at